201. bslab bya US.
202. rig pa'i bzo gnas.
ES lists {rig [pa'i] gnas [chen] lnga: the 5 [major] sciences [branches
of traditional Buddhist learning] (1) {nang gi rig pa} = spiritual/ buddhist
philosophy, 2) {gtan tshigs kyi rig pa} = dialectics/ logic, [here tshad
ma, which is equivalent] 3) {sgra'i rig pa} = grammar, 4) {gso ba'i rig
pa} = medicine, 5) {bzo gnas kyi rig pa} = mechanical arts and crafts]].
203. rig gnas chung
ba lnga: the 5 minor sciences [[= *{rig pa'i gnas lnga} snyan ngag dang,
mngon brjod, sdeb sbyor, zlos gar, skar rtsis te lnga'o]].
204. In this case, since
some of these doctrines conflict, both logically and ion their practical
goals, so not all them can be The Doctrine.
205. The cause of productive
action and dependence of the fruition on the cause.
206. rnam par dpyod.
One can investigate the world in such a way that one becomes discriminating
about how to deal with it practically.
207. lam gsum The three
realms below, on and above the earth, traditionally this world system of
Mount Meru and the four continents plus the celestial [physical, form and
formless] realms above and the hells etc. below, hence including all of
the six lokas.
208. nog bo chos nyid
kyi rigs pa = chos nyid kyi rigs pa= reasoning of nature.
209. chos nyid.
210. gzugs su rung ba.
211. In terms of pleasure,
pain, and indifference.
212. The Tibetan is
tautological: The definition of 'du byed is 'du byed, it produces conditioned
composites of dharmas, samskaras. These are basic patterns of emotional-behavioral
reactiveness from which fully articulated consciousness is built up.
213. don: It would
be alright to say objects, but what is meant includes awareness of self
and whatever aspects of situations, actions, and so forth we may apprehend.
214. chos nyid.
215. rang bzhin.
216. kyis OR by.
217. rtogs, not realization
of enlightenment here.
218. dngos po'i rdzas.
219. ldog pa'i btags.
220. don gzhan in logic
often has the sense of what is opposite to a certain characteristic, like
not blue for blue.
221. yongs su gzung
ba'i don nam yul: they become objects in the sense of dualistic samsaric
objects truly existing from their own side and so forth.
222. rang mtshan rdzas
223. ldog pa.
This word can also mean opposites. The two usages are related in
that the kind of characteristics meant divide things dualistically into
eg permanent and impermanent, 1 and many, blue and non-blue, etc and are
conceived of as being used so that if the term applies the opposite necessarily
does not.
224. rnam par brtags.
225. Verbal and phenomenal
characteristics are lumped together in these conceptions, and there is
a blurring of what can be properly said of linguistic and conceptual entities
and about experiences and objects, even though we claim to believe that
nothing can be a common basis of both kinds of characteristics. Therefore,
our everyday statements will not stand up to analysis.
226. ldog pa.
227. 'jug ldog.
228. gnas tshul. Here
the term does not refer to the way things are in absolute truth, emptiness,
but to how they are in their everyday relative apparent natures.
229. snang ba dang sel
230. ngo bo nyid kyis
stong pa nyid: This might literally mean that they are empty of essence,
that their essences are empty or that their essences are emptiness.
Generally unless a special point is being made about the emptiness of emptiness
etc all of those are taken as equivalent.
231. rang bzhin gyis
grub pa...med: their nature does not [truly] exist, they do not exist
intrinsically/ concretely/ spontaneously/ independently/ truly. This is
pretty much synonymous with emptiness. Exactly what this term is
taken to mean can vary somewhat with context and school etc. However
to say all things are natureless in terms of the absolute analysis of madhyamaka
is not to be simply and directly equated with saying they don't exist,
ma grub, in the ordinary relative sense. All exponents agree on that.
Otherwise things that exist would be existent by nature absolutely, while
the term is used so that the natures involved in ascertaining both existence
and nonexistence of things are equally rang bzhin gyis ma grub.
232. Emptiness, marklessness
and wishlessness, stong pa nyid, mtshan nyid med pa, smon lam med pa.
233. An argument analyzing
cause as emptiness like vajra slivers that work their way into and destroy
the mountain of wrong views of non-empty true existence, whose reason shows
the gate of liberation of marklessness: Things like a sprout have
no true arising, because they do not arise from themselves, something other
than themselves, both, or neither [ie without cause].
In Buddhist logic those possibilities are considered as exhaustive,
and denying all of them means that there is no way for things truly to
arise at all. This is classified as a reason of non-observation of
a non-apparent related cause, one of the gtan tshigs chen po lnga.
234. mtshan ma med pa.
235. smon pa med pa,
1 of the three gates of liberation. According to madhyamaka absence
of the four extremes of existence or arising follows from arising from
causes and conditions = interdependent arising.
236. The third of the
3 gates of liberation.
237. chos nyid.
238. dam bcas.
239. yang dag par khong
du chud.
240. The skandhas are
the components of samsaric experience which intrinsically involves suffering.
241. 'phrog par byed.
242. sgrub pa'i mtshan
nyid. mtshan nyid can also be definitions. Translating it that
way would be appropriate if the primary model of Buddhist logic was the
certainty of tautology, EG a rose is a rose, as it is in western symbolic
logic. However Buddhism uses the model of perception. A jaundiced
person can be mistaken about the color of a white conch because it looks
yellow, but cannot be mistaken in that way about its looking yellow.
That kind of certainty is the paradigm for Buddhist logic. Blatant
tautology is actually considered a logical fallacy, as presented below,
for the same reason it is considered certain in the west. Its truth
or falsity is independent of anything that may be the case in the world.
243. 'phros don
244. Perception and
245. ji ltar.
246. gsal byed, apprehender.
However the agent in this case is not a person, but a dharma or configuration
of dharmas. What it means to speak of agency in such a situation
is defined in detail in the context of abhidharma, but from the viewpoint
of ordinary language it might sometimes be better to say cognition or apprehension
to avoid confusion with persons and egos. The meaning is that of
abhidharma in either case.
247. gsal bar byed.
248. gsal.
249. phwya ba.
250. bcad shes.
251. 'du bar bshed.
252. gshal bya.
253. rang mtshan, spyi
254. rang gi ngo bo:
variously translated self-nature, own being etc. svabhava.
255. a'dra ba thun mong.
EG two cars might both be white or they might not.
256. gshal bya mngon
257. gzhal bya lkog
258. gzugs bzang, pleasing
form & face, a good body.
259. kun rdzob/ samv.riti
satya and don dam paramartha satya.
260. rang rang gi ngo
261. This is formless
direct perception of emptiness.
262. The first moment
of perception is said to be non-conceptual, in the sense of being pure
sense conscious unmixed with mental consciousness, which however does arise
in the second instant.
263. The explanation
is usually given that the mental perception involves a mental image "like"
the original perception which is used as a mental "sample" of what sort
of thing it is. The same kind of explanation is given in classical
western empiricism. If this is considered various doubts begin to
arise: For example If we could mislabel or misidentify a perception, why
would we not do the same with the sample, or make a mistake about the sameness
of our sample and the perception. Empiricism and abhidharma take
place on the level where we are satisfied with "sample" analogy and its
promise of certain knowledge. Modern analytic philosophy, and madhyamaka
involves not being satisfied with the proffered certainty of that example.
264. Or the definition
of a real thing is that which exists with a productive power. This
is from the sautrantika point of view.
265. spyi'i mtshan nyid.
266. don. Classical
buddhist understanding of logic is in terms of the objects or dharmas of
abhidharma. When madhyamaka questions these or limits the scope of
their validity, it does the same to buddhist logic.
267. rtog pa.
268. ngos bzung.
269. khyad par du phye
270. sngar ma rtogs
pa'i don.
271. Unconfused by obscurity,
illusion, etc.
272. gzugs can.
273. 'khrul.
274. Experience as such
is just what it is. It makes no sense to speak of mistakes here.
EG What sense is there is saying that a person presently stating
"this conch looks yellow to me" reports what is experienced? Perhaps
it is a doubt whether this person remembered what the words mean.
275. rtog.
276. rtsing zhib.
277. rigs.
278. According to this
account, use of language does not in itself involve conception. Linking
a perceived token or name to a perception or kind of perception is not
seen as conceptual. It seems to follow that there could be a non-conceptual
use of language where everything that was said was linked to reality in
this way.
279. spel.
280. dbang mngon gyi
rgyun mthar.
281. bzhad zin pa'i
ngo bo'i rnam pa gzhan shig yod do.
282. khong du chud.
283. blo.
284. gsal.
285. don rig shes pas
vs rang rig next.
286. It makes distinctions
about it, in particular that it is of something other than oneself, external
287. Self-awareness
in the case of dreams is often not known to be such, but thought to be
sense perception.
288. yid.
289. rab 'byams.
290. blo mas.
291. bzhad pa and a'jug
292. kyang bshad du
293. sgra bshad du med.
294. mtha'.
295. yul shes bzhin
du or awareness of objects
296. rang rig.
297. gsal rig: [ apprehending]
consciousness. One can say luminous insight to emphasize the shift
in quality and increased energy that comes from not fixating objects as
298. rab tu skye ba.
299. gsal dang rig.
300. rig par byed pa
301. nges par byas.
302. That is if all
these terms are equivalent so that self awareness = non-confusion = ultimate
[pure] experience.
303. This is a traditional
example like the ox-herding pictures. At first one may see various
signs of an elephant. Finally one sees the beast itself.
304. mngon sum don rig.
305. tshur mthong tshad
ma, as opposed to the pure pramana of the noble ones.
306. mngon du gyur ba.
307. It is worth reminding
ourselves sometimes that this doesn't make much sense unless the distinction
between existence and true existence is given a special significance.
In ordinary usage the terms would usually be synonymous. Otherwise
it is as satisfying as someone saying, I'll give you a hundred dollars,
I just won't really give you a hundred dollars, and then if you complain
saying with a supercilious air that you don't understand the subtleties
of enlightened logic.
308. don [gyi] spyi:
abstract/ generalized characteristics, presented as an exaggerated generic
309. rtogs par byed.
310. 'jug ldog.
311. don spyi.
312. rnam par rtog pa.
The same term is often translated discursive thoughts, in which case the
meaning is that the conceptions become a rambling, digressive stream; in
Buddhism the discursiveness is motivated by karmic attachments to the kleshas..
313. byed las.
314. don rnams la blang
dor gyi 'jug ldog.
315. <that are to
be analyzed>
316. rtags pa'i tshul
317. mthun pa'i phyogs.
318. mi mthun pa'i phyogs.
319. Qualification of
the subject of the thesis by the dharma established by the reason.
320. It is part of the
meaning or definition. No one who understands the meaning can fail
to be sure that this is a valid inference
321. Syllogisms in Indian
logic generally involve examples. This helps eliminate some paradoxes
that might arise in unexampled inference. If there are no unicorns,
is it right or wrong or what to say All unicorns are white, or no unicorns
are white.
322. rtags de sgrub
shes 'dod chos can gyi steng du 'god tshul dang mthun par tshad mas nges
pa'i tshul.
323. rjes khyab.
324. ldog khyab.
325. phyogs.
326. Because traditionally
in buddhist thought it is said to be not produced and not impermanent.
327. dpe ltar snang,
or counterfeit example
328. ldan 'brel and
'du brel.
329. ngo bo...gyis khyab.
330. ldog cha.
331. This seems to echo
madhyamaka criticism of the abhidharma notion of the intrinsically single
discrete substance. How can what is intrinsically one have many characteristics?
332. nyer len gyi rgyu.
333. lhan cig byed pa'i
334. skye byed gyi rgyu.
335. rnam par bzhag
a'jog gyi rgyu.
336. These relationships
are said not to withstand madhyamaka analysis for being absolute.
337. bdag gcig a'brel
338. sel.
339. har byung a'gal
340. don.
341. a'gal zla.
342. dgnos 'gal.
343. nye bar mkho ba'i.
344. rtags su bkod pa
345. la la, which often
means sometimes.
346. nyer len.
347. Here having a cause
is taken as being part of what it means to be a [sometimes] thing.
348. dmigs rkyen.
349. spu ris phyes pa.
350. <It should be
known that>
351. bdag.
352. khyad par.
353. bkod pa khyad par
dag pa'i rang bzhin gyi rtags sbyor.
354. gzhan la ltos pa.
355. mi ltos par dag
356. don grub.
357. tha snyad grub.
The connection is between the meanings of the words.
358. ma dmigs pa'i rtags
359. mtshan nyid and
mtshan gzhi.
360. tshad = measure.
OR made into pramana.
361. dpog mi nus.
362. By being claimed
to be proved or refuted.
363. shes 'dod chos
364. 'brel zla and 'gal
365. khyab byed ma dmigs
366. 'gal dmigs rtags.
367. khyab bya.
368. mes khyab par non
pa'i shar gzhir chos can.
369. khyab bya.
370. <the contradictoriness
371. 'gal dmigs
kyi rtags.
372. rtag dgnos.
373. grub.
374. dharmin, chos can.
375. phyogs.
376. phyogs chos.
377. khyab ches pa.
378. As above one cannot
be certain whether an invisible rakshasa is here.
379. dwogs: fear doubt,
uncertainty. Belief is important in Buddhist reasoning because in
debate with persons of other schools arguments often take the form, "If
you believe A, than you must/ can't also believe B." The debate must
start with premises accepted by opponents if they are to be convinced.
380. ldog pa tha dad
min pa'i thun mong ma nges pa'i rtags.
381. phyogs gnyis ka
a'jug pa.
382. mthun phyos and
mi mthun phyogs. A common usage EG for "Sound is impermanent, because
it is produced:" the mthun phyogs = impermanent things. The mi mthun
phyogs = permanent things.
383. Two things cannot
have a characteristic in common if there are not two things to begin with.
In western logic tautology is often used as the exemplar of necessity.
For Buddhist logic too "son of a barren woman" is an exemplar of something
certainly impossible. However while "parts is parts" is an example
of the obious in the west, it seems that in Buddhist logic it is fallacious.
This is more a matter of proper form than it is one of a difference in
logical views. "Parts is parts is not well-formed in Buddhist logic.
384. In the text the
examples actually follow below.
385. mnyan bya.
386. rig sgra bzhin
lta bu mthun phyogs yod kyang ma mthong.
387. blo ltos lhag ldan
thun mong ma nges gi rtags.
388. phyogs gnyis ka
la cha gnyis su 'jug pa'o.
389. lhag ldan.
390. That the syllogism
is certainly invalid is beside the point here. What is in question
is only the relationship of the reason, being a speaker, to the according
and non-according dharmas, omniscience and non omniscience. It is
assumed that if there are Buddhas, they speak. I suppose mutes that
would invalidate the reverse pervasion are also ignored. (Interestingly
enough some sutra passages say that in some of the limitless worlds of
the universe beings including buddhas do not literally speak, although
they do communicate in other ways.)
391. don gyis.
392. rtags rigs.
393. a'jug tshul.
394. so so rang gis
rig par bya'o. KPSR is very firm about translating the term this
way rather than as discriminating awareness or self-awareness.
395. rang gi ngo bo
nyis kyis stong pa. OR empty of their own nature, empty of themselves.
In any case the point is that they and any purported nature of them will
not bear madhyamaka's analysis for the absolute
396. rang mtshan.
397. Obviously there
is a sense in which it can be expressed, since it has just been done, and
Mipham does not regard this statement as self-refuting on its own level.
If an exponent of madhyamaka accepts that it is proper to say "absolute
truth is beyond concept" and deny the reverse, one must hold that there
must be a level in which it is proper to make valid and invalid propositions,
as well as a non-conceptual way to make sense of things, and that it is
possible for the two kinds of validity these have to co-exist, because
their criteria and meanings are different. This is in fact Mipham's
398. yongs chod du.
399. mtshan gzhi. what
is characterized, things that are examples of it or to which the definition
400. snang yul du gyur
ba'i rang mtshan rnams.
401. In English negation
and denial are distinguished from refutation, a valid proof of a negation
or denial. dgag in Tibetan can typically mean either. in same way
sgrub can refer to assertion of existence or truth or proof of these.
402. In Buddhist logic
affirming negation is like "this is not a horse." It is understood
as presupposing the thing called "this" in such a way that it affirms "This
is something other than a horse. Cf, "I am no fool." Non-affirming
negation is like "There ain't no Santa Claus." It is understood as
denying Santa Claus and not affirming anything.
403. rang rgyud.
404. rgol gshan dag.
405. gzhal bya'i gnas
406. <of this general
407. chos mthun pa nyid
can dang chos mi mthun pa nyid can no.
408. chos mthun sbyor
gyi sgrub ngag [[EG what is produced is impermanent, like a vase,
1 of the {sgrub ngag yan lag gnyis ldan}]].
409. blo skyon.
410. don skyon.
411. tshig skyon.
412. blo bde.
413. sems med.
414. phyogs dang mthun
phyogs gang rung yin pa'i phyir.
415. dam bca'.
416. That is accepted
by both disputants.
417. sun 'byin ltar
418. skyon la skyon
du brjod. Either one says there is a mistake where there is none,
or one identifies a fault that could be validly refuted, but the reasons
one gives are not in fact valid.
419. For logical reasons,
rather than because there are reasons but the opponent failed to think
of them.
420. Again this is logical
rather than a question of what the opponent actually does.
421. mtha' gcig tu khyab.
422. skabs su babs pa'i
423. mi srid.
The absolute refutes everything is impossible, but that viewpoint alone
loses the distinction between valid and invalid conventional pramana.
424. If one presses
the eyeball while looking at the moon one seems to see two moons.
425. Because it deals
with distinctions in the conventional or relative spheres all of which
do not bear analysis for absolute truth.
426. Or their essence
is established as emptiness. ngo bo nyid kyis stong. In conventional
pramana the two may have a different sense, but here the absolute pramana
free from all complexities of characteristics is meant.
427. de la don dam par
ma grub pas so.
428. Here the distinction
is not the vision of noble ones vs ordinary beings, but what is normally
called true and false by ordinary beings. Here too someone might
argue that Buddhism needs only the distinction between absolute truth and
what is not true and does not need the further distinction of what confused
beings who know only the conventional truth of the world call true and
429. rang gis rang tshugs.
This autonomy is not like proving the existence of God or a first cause
in rationalist philosophy so much as a claim that the features of our conceptual
structure that madhyamaka uses to establish emptiness are intrinsic to
430. yang dag mtha'.
431. The kayas are the
object and the perceiver is wisdom.
432. blo gros,
433. <caring for>
434. We will rely on
the individual rather than the dharma etc.
435. <course of the>.
436. brda sbyor yin
pa'i phyir.
437. skabs don gyi tshig.
438. lhur len.
439. bor: literally
thrown away.
440. chos mtshungs:
This could mean "It is the same with the dharma." That does not change
the meaning much.
441. 'chel.
442. spros pa lhur len.
443. shing 'on shig.
shing = tree/ wood; 'on = bring take, get, carry.
444. rab tu phyungs.
445. A nyingma translator.
446. dgongs gshi gang
la dgongs nas su.
447. See below.
448. thod rgal.
Though the same term is used for a very profound stage of realization in
ati, here the connotation is negative.
449. Of suffering.
450. dka' thub.
451. gzhal.
452. rlom
453. cung zad.
454. kha drangs par
ma yin pa'i tshul dgos ched dang bcas par rtogs pa.
455. dgongs pa bzhi.
456. mnyam pa nyid:
ES: even mindedness
457. don gzhan
458. dus gzhan.
459. intentions concerning
other individuals.
460. What one means
by and hopes to accomplish by giving a certain teaching etc. dgongs gzhi
gzhan lo dgongs pa. dgongs gzhi gzhan la dgongs pa: intending another
461. The first buddha
of this kalpa.
462. bzung, the sense
is just hearing, reading etc.
463. Feminists must
deal with the fact that traditionally it is said that all buddhas must
be male.
464. The four
concealed intentions are bzhugs pa ldem por dgongs pa, mtshan nyid...,
gnyen po, bsgyur ba...
465. 'khyog.
466. gnas skabs theg
pa gsum.
467. bslab pa rnam gyyengs
med la nan tan.
468. dgongs and ldem
469. dgongs gshi dgongs
470. spyi don.
471. stegs yin tshul.
472. sgra mthun don
'phags kyi gtan tshigs: cf commentary below.
473. tshad ma bka' gsung.
474. bdag pa chen po.
475. rgyud rnams.
476. These are: dbyings
don dam: absolute truth of space/ the dhatu, ye shes don dam: absolute
truth of wisdom, and a'bras bu don dam the absolute truth of the fruition,
which has the five categories of the body, speech, mind, quality and action
of buddhahood. GD.
477. dpyod.
478. {gsung rab kyi
yan lag bcu gnyis 12 branches of the [Buddhist] scriptures, 12 kinds
of excellent speech (1 {mdo a'i sde}. = general teachings. 2 {dbyangs kyis
bsnyad pa'i sde}. = hymns & praises. 3 {lung du bstan pa'i sde}. =
prophecies. 4 {tshigs su bcad pa'i sde}. = teaching in verse. 5 {ched du
brjod pa'i sde}. = aphorisms. 6 {gleng gzhi'i sde}. = pragmatic narratives.
7 {rtogs pa brjod pa'i sde}. = biographical narratives. 8 {de sta bu byung
ba'i sde}. = narratives of former events as examples. 9 {skyes pa'i rabs
kyi sde}. = {jataka.m} narratives of former births. 10 {shen tu rgyas pa'i
sde}. = extensive teachings. 11 {rmad du byung ba'i sde}. = narratives
of marvels. 12 {gtan la dbab pa'i sde}. = teachings in profound doctrines.
479. in tshul khrims,
discipline; shes rab, prajna; and sems, mind = meditation GD.
480. gzhol.
481. chu bur, also bubble.
482. gzhol bar shes.
483. <supreme>.
484. gzu bo'i blos]lit
by genuine mind/ thoughts.
485. phyag mtshan.
486. "profound and extensive"
cut for metrical reasons.
487. rol mtsho are lakes
of play of chang curds etc where the naga kings live.
488. The following passage
compares the eight treasures of confidence to the eight auspicious symbols.
489. <of the teacher
and teaching>
490. 'khyug.
491. spyi brtol..
492. through the ten
directions [cut for metrical reasons.