DECEIT    [sgyu]
What is deceit? It is a display of what is not a real quality and is associated with both passion-lust and bewilderment-erring by being overly attached to wealth and honor. Its function is to provide a basis for a perverse life-style.
Through the power of being overly attached to wealth and honor, deceit makes one pretend to be a virtuous person. For example, a hypocrite, although his mind is not at all under control and trained, gives the appearance of being quiet and well-trained, with the intention of deceiving others.

Here the Pancaskandhaprakarana explains deceit as the display of what is false, and the lam-rim explains it in the same manner. The statement that it is the basis for a perverse life style means that there is no other or better way to lead a perverse life than to pretend.

There are five perverse life styles [log 'tsho nga]:

1.    Hypocrisy    [tshul 'chos]
2.    Flattering    [kha gsag]
3.    Overpraising    [gshogs slong]
4.    Evaluating by possesssions    [thob kyis 'zal]
5.    Seeking wealth by wealth    [rnyed pas rnyed 'tshol]
Hypocrisy means, as stated above, that while one has no (virtuous) qualities, one pretends to have them and puts up an outward appearance so that others will not see through him.
Flattering means to talk smoothly by using words agreeable to the opinions of others for the sake of wealth and honor.
Overpraising is, in the desire for someone else's property, first to flatter him and then to praise what he owns.
Evaluating by possessions means that one puts down another by saying he is too greedy in order to gain something.
Seeking wealth by wealth means that by having become completely obsessed with wealth, one brags about what one has attained previously in front of others by saying, "I was blessed in such and such a way by this great person."

In brief, going from house to house for alms because one is attached to wealth is not in keeping with what is explained in the teaching, and this is said to be a perverted life. If you do not want to lead a perverted life, then cast away the opinions of others and, in solitude, preserve the rules of discipline without fooling yourself.