Sanskirt/English -Tibetan
Word List

For the meanings of these words, search for the Tibetan terms in


the blazing light of the sun and moon

abhi.sheka:  dbang
abhidharma:  mngon chos
absolute truth
absolute:  don dam
accept and reject:  blang 'dor
act and effort:  bya rtsol
action:  spyod
adding and taking away:  'du bral
affirmation and negation:  dgag sgrub
affirmation:  sgrub
negation: dgag
Akanishta: 'og min
alaya:  kun gzhi
alayavijnana:  kun gzhi rnam par shes pa
all at once:  cig char
all-pervading, all-encompassing: phyam gdal
all-sufficient:  gcig chod
alpha-pure:  ka dag
amrita:  bdud rtsi
analysis:  dpyod pa
antidotes:  gnyen po
anu:  a nu
appearance:  snang ba
artificial:  bcos
Aryan riches, 7,:  'phags pa nor bdun
as it is:  rang babs, rang sar, rang  mal
asura: lha min
ati:  a ti:  rdzogs pa  chen po
authentic:  yang dag
Avalokiteshvara: spyan ras gzigs
Avici Hell:  mnyal ba mnar med pa
awakened:  sangs
awareness:  shes pa
ayatanas, 12: skye mched bcu gnyis
bardo:  bar do
bhagava[-t][-an]:  bcom ldan 'das
Bhrama: tshangs pa: Hindu creator god
bhramin bram ze
bhuta:  byung po
bhuumi:  sa
bias:  ris
bindu:  thig le
bodhicitta:  byang chub sems
bodhisattva vehicle/yana
bodhisattva:  byang chub sems dpa'
buddha activity: phrin las
buddha qualities:  yon tan
Buddha qualities: sangs rgyas kyi yon tan
buddhadharmakaya: sangs rgyas chos kyi sku: = dharmakaya.
buddha[hood]:  sangs rgyas

reasoning: rigs pa: see text
cause and condition:  rgyu rkyen
ceaseless:  ma 'gags, 'gag med.
certain:  nges
characteristics:  mtshan
charya yana: see theg pa dgu
co-emergent:  lhan cig skyes pa
coarse:  rags
collection of oral instructions:  man  ngag sde
compassion:  thugs rje
complexity:  spros pa
concept:  rtog pa
conceptions:  dmigs pa
confusion:  'khrul pa
Conquerer: rgyal ba.
consciousness 5/6: rnam shes lnga/drug
consider:  ltos
contrived:  bcos
conventional: tha snyad
coronation vase:  spyi blugs
created:  bcos
crystal:  shel [gong]
cutting through:  khregs gcod
dakini:  mkha' 'gro
dedicating the merit: bsod nams bsngo
defilements:  dri ma
deity:  lha
detail:  rim pa
developing [stage]:  bskyed [rim]
dharmakaya:  chos sku
dharmata:  chos nyid
dharma[s]:  chos
Dharmdhatu:  chos dbyings
dharmin:  chos can
dhatu:  dbyings, khams
dhatus, 18: khams bco brgyad
dhyana[s, 4]: bsam gtan bzhi
difference of different manifestations of a single essence: ngo bo gcig la ldog pa tha dad
difference that refutes one: gcig pa bkag pa tha dad
direct liberation:  cer grol
discontinuity:  rgyun chad
discriminating awareness wisdom:  so so rtags pa'i ye shes
discriminating awareness:  so so rang rig; so sor rtag pa
discursive thought:  rnam rtog
display:  bstan, bkod
disturbed:  rnyog
doer of all:  kun byed
don:  gdon
drowsiness and discursiveness [wildness]:  bying rgod
ego:  bdag
eight consciousnesses: tshogs brgyad
eight examples of illusion:  sgyu ma  dpe brgyad
eight extremes:  mtha' brgyad
eight kinds of suffering: sdug bsngal brgyad
eight ordinary siddhis: dngos grub thun mong brgyad
eighteen dhatus:  khams bco brgyad
element:  khams, rigs
eliminate or establish:  dgag sgrub
eliminate: log
emanation:  sprul pa
embodiment:  'du ba
empowerment:  lung, dbang
emptiness with all the supreme aspects:  rnam mchog kun ldan stong nyid
emptiness: stong nyid
empty:  stong pa
enlightenment:  byang chub
ennailment:  gzer [bu]
environment and inhabitants:  snod bcud, rten dang brten pa
equality:  mnyam nyid
equanimity:  mnyam nyid
essence:  ngo bo [snying po]
establish: sgrub
eternal:  ye
eternalism:  rtag [lta]
etherial:  sang seng
even:  phyal ba
examination:  brtags pa
examine:  brtags pa
examin[e][ation]:  dpyod pa
exhaustion:  zad pa, rdzogs pa
exist:  yod pa
experience:  rang snang
experiences:  nyams
extremes:  [mu] mtha'
fabrication:  bcos
false conception:  kun btags
family:  rigs
father tantra:  pha rgyud
fine and coarse:  rags phra
five aspects of sadhana:  cho ga rnam  pa lnga
five buddha activities:  phrin las lnga
five buddhas:  bcom ldan 'das lnga:
five certainties:  nges pa lnga
five colors:  kha dog lnga
five desirables: a'dod pa lnga
five elements:  'byung ba lnga
five enlightenments [manifestations of...]:  byang chub lnga
five eyes:  spyan lnga
five families:  rigs lnga
five kayas:  sku lnga
five paths:  lam lnga
five perfections:  phun sum tshogs pa lnga
five qualities:  yon tan lnga
five root kleshas/ poisons:  rtsa ba'i nyon mongs lnga
five skandhas:  phung po lnga
five wisdoms:  ye shes lnga
Five buddha families: see five buddhas, five families.
fixation and grasping:  gzung 'dzin
fixation, fixated object:  gzung ba.
fixator, fixating subject: 'dzin
fixed:  nges
flickering [emanation etc]:  'gyu ba
four extremes:  mtha' bzhi
four fearlessnesses: see text
four individual true apprehensions: meanings, words dharmas, powers.
four kayas: sku bzhi
four kinds of birth:  skye ba bzhi
four legs of miracle:  cho 'phrul rkang pa bzhi
four manners of birth:  skye tshul bzhi
four maras:  bdud bzhi
four mudras:  phyag rgya bzhi
four noble truths:  'phags pa bden bzhi
four purities: see ch. 6
four reliances: see text
four seals:  phyag rgya bzhi
four, the, propitiation and so on: bsnyen sgrub bzhi.
four times:  dus bzhi
four ultimate realizations:  rtogs pa bzhi
Four elements: khams/ 'byung ba bzhi
Four immesurables: tshad med bzhi
freedom:  grol ba
freedoms and favors, 18: dal 'byor bcu brgyad: Ch. 1.
fresh and relaxed:  lhang nge lhan ne
from all eternity:  ye
fruition:  'bras bu
fundamental luminosity = gting gsal
fundamental state:  gzhi gnas [not = shamatha]
gandavyuuha:  stugs po bkod pa
Gandha :Gandha: goddess of perfume.
gandharva: dri za
garbha:  snying po
garuda:  khyung
gather:  'du ba.
gelong:  dge slong
genuine:  yang dag
exaggeration:  sgro 'dogs
good and evil:  bzang ngan
gotra:  rigs
grasper & grasped:  gzung 'dzin
grasper/grasping [subject]:  'dzin pa
great full ocean:  gang chen mtsho
great perfection:  rdzogs pa chen po
ground:  gzhi
groundless:  gzhi med
guard samaya:  dam tshig srung ba
Guru Rinpoche: Second Buddha of Uddiyana = Padmasambhava
guru:  bla ma
heart-[essence]:  snying po
higher perceptions:  mngon shes
higher realms:  mtho ris
highest yoga:  shin tu rnal 'byor
hinayana:  theg dman
hungry ghosts:  yi dwags
ignorance:  ma rig pa
Immense ocean:  gang chen tsho:   AKA rnam snang
incidental:  glo bur
included:  'du ba, 'dril ba, 'ub chub
individual insight:  so so rang rig
individuating characteristics:  rang mtshan
Indra: brgya byin
insight:  rig pa
instantly:  skad gcig par, cig car
intellect:  yid [special cases]
intellect-consciousness:  yid kyi rnam  shes
intention:  dgongs pa
interdependent arising:  rten 'brel 'byung ba
intrinsic-:  rang-, rang bzhin gyis-
Ishvara: "the Lord,"a Hindu creator god.
jets¸n:  rje btsun
jewel: in context of three jewels dkon mchog
jnana:  ye shes
jnanasattva:  ye shes sems dpa'
kagy¸: bka' brgyud
kalpa:  bskal pa
kama: desire
karma:  las
kaya:  sku
khen[po]: Buddhist scholar
kinnara: mi'am ci
klesha:  nyon mongs
knowledge:  shes pa
kriya:  kri ya,  bya rgyud
liberation:  grol ba
limit:  rgya chad
limitless as the sky:  mkha' mnyam
loka:  sems can rigs drug
lokayata:  rgyang phan
Longchenpa:  klong chen [rab 'byams]  pa
LongdÈ:  klong sde
Lord of death: shin rje
lord:  mgon pa, bdag po, mnga dbang,  rje
lower realms:  ngan 'gro
luminosity:  ['od] gsal
luminous appearances of what does not  exist:  med pa gsal snang.
luminous:  ['od] gsal
madhamaka: dbu ma
madhyamaka:  dbu ma
magic wand:  sgrib shing
mahamudra:  phyag rgya chen po
mahasandhi:  rdzogs pa chen po
mahasattva:  sems dpa' chen po
mahasukha:  bde ba chen
mahasukhakaya:  bde ba chen po'i sku
mahatma: bdag pa chen po
mahayana:  theg chen
Maheshvara: dbang po chen po
maintain:  skyong
Maitreya: byams pa
major and minor marks:  mtshan dpe
Major and minor marks of a buddha: mtshan dang dpe byad
mandala:  dkyil 'khor
manifest:  mngon gsum
Manjushri: a'jam dpal
mantra:  sngags
mantrayana: sngags kyi theg pa
mara:  bdud
marks:  mtshan
measure:  tshad
meditation:  bsgom pa, mnyam bshag,  bsam gtan
memory:  dran pa
prasangika: thal a'gyur: see text
mental contents:  sems las 'byung ba
middle:  bar
mind:  sems, yid
Mind:  [itself][-nature of] sems nyid
mind-only:  sems tsam
mindfulness dran pa
Mipham:  mi pham
miracle:  cho 'phrul
Mount Meru:  ri rgyal rab
mudra:  phyag rgya
Muni:  thub pa
nada: na da
nadi:  rtsa
nadis, three: rtsa gsum
naga:  klu
natural state:  gnas lugs, rnal ma
natural:  rang byung, rang bzhin gyis  etc.
nature:  rang bzhin, gzhis
negation:  dgag
neither established nor cleared away:   sgrub bsal med
net:  rgya, dra ba
neutral: lung ma bstan
nihilism:  chad [lta]
nine yanas:  theg pa dgu
nirmanakaya:  sprul sku
Nirvana:  mya ngan las 'das pa, zhi
noble ones: 'phags pa
non-dual:  gnyis med
non-men:  mi ma yin
non-obstruction:  'gags med:  zang  ka
non-thought:  mi rtog pa
not adding and subtracting (taking  away):  'du bral med
Nyingma:  rnying ma
Kagyu: bka'a brgyud
Gelugpa: dge lugs pa
nyingthig:  snying thig
object, kaya: yul sku: the object of enlightened perception is the kayas, having the essence emptiness and the nature of luminosity.
object:  yul
obscuration:  sgrib
offering substance:  rdzas
omniscience:  kun mkhyen, thams cad  mkhyen pa['i ye shes]
one taste:  ro gcig
one's own insight:  rang gi rig pa
one's own seat:  rang mal
opposite:  ltos
oral instructions:  man ngag:
ornament:  rgyan
overturned:  ru log
pandit: scholar
paramita:  pha rol tu phyin pa
paratantra: gzhan dbang
parikalpita: kun btags
parinishpanna: yongs grub
partiality:  phyogs
particularizing characteristics:  rang  mtshan
pass the pass:  la bzla ba
path of splendor of vivid rainbow  colors:  khra lam lam
path:  lam
perceiver, wisdom: yul can ye shes
perception:  dmigs pa
perfect:  rdzogs
perfecting stage:  rdzogs rim
perfect[ing] yoga:  yongs su rnal 'byor
pervasion, backward pervasion.
phenomena:  rnam pa
phenomenal world:  snang srid
pith:  gnad
play:  rol
post-meditation:  rjes thob
power:  rtsal
powers [of mind]:  dbang po
prajna:  shes rab
prajnaparamita:  shes rab pha rol tu  phyin pa
pramana: tshad ma
prana:  rlung
prasangika:  thal 'gyur pa
pratyekabuddha:  rang rgyal
preta: yi dwags
primordial purity of wakefulness: ye  sangs
primordial space:  gdod ma'i dbyings
primordial:  gdod nas, thog nas, ye
projection:  [rang] snang, kun btags,  rang gzugs
provisional meaning: drang don
puja:  mchod pa, cho ga
pure appearance:  dag snang
pure bhuumis:  dag pa sa
purified:  dag, sangs, sbyangs
qualities:  mtshan, mtshon
rakshasas: srin po
real:  don du, dgnos
realization:  rtogs pa,  dgongs pa
recognize:  ngos bzung
reference point:  gtad [so]
relative truth: kun rdzob bden pa
relative:  kun rdzob
renunciation and realization:  spangs rtogs.
resolve:  gtan la 'bebs pa
rich display:  'byor ba'i bkod
rigdzin: (enlightened)awareness holder
royal treasures, 7: rin chen sna bdun
rupakaya:  gzugs sku
pure appearance: dag snang
sadhana:  sgrub thabs, cho ga
Sage: thub pa, the Buddha
Saha: This world called the realm of endurance.
Sakyong:  sa skyong:  earth preotecting (king)
samadhi:  ting nge 'dzin,
Samantabhadra [i]:  kun tu bzang po  [mo]
samapatti:  snyoms 'jug
samaya:  dam tshig
samayasattva:  dam tshig sems dpa'
sambhogakaya:  longs [spyod rdzogs  pa'i] sku
sampannakrama:  rdzogs rim
Samsara:  'khor ba:  srid pa
Sangha: dge 'dun
Saraha:  Sa ra ha
Sarasvati:  consort of Shiva
sattva: sems dp'a
sautrantika school: mdo sde pa
sautrantika: mdo sde pa
sealing:  rgyas thebs:  phyag rgya
Second Buddha of Uddiyana: Padmasambhava = Guru Rinpoche
Self existing equanimity: lhun [grub]  mnyam [pa nyid]
self-existing:  lhun grub, rang gnas
self-insight:  rang rig
self-liberation:  rang grol
self-luminosity:  rang gsal:
self-nature:  rang ngo
self-subsiding:  rang yal
SemdÈ:  sems sde
separation of clearing away:  dbye bsal
seven fold service: prostration, offering, confession, rejoicing, requesting to teach, asking the teacher to remain, dedicating the merit.
seventeen tantras:  man ngag sde rgyud  bcu bdun.
Shakyamuni:  sha kya'i thub pa
Shamatha:  gzhi gnas
Shastra:  bstan bcos
shentong:  gzhan stong
Shiva: drag po, dbang po
shloka:  sho lo ka
shravaka:  nyan thos
shunyata:  stong nyid
siddhi:  dgnos grub
sign:  rtags:  tshad
simple:  spros bral
simplicity:  spros bral
single dot:  nyag gcig
six ayatanas: ske mched drug
six higher perceptions: see mngon shes
six lokas: rigs drug
six perfections/ paramitas: pha rol tu phyin pa drug
six realms of beings: rigs drug1
six senses:  tshogs drug, dbang drug
skandhas:  phung po
sky:  nam mkha'
solid:  dgnos
space of the dhatu:  dbyings
space:  dbyings, go, [nam] mkha', bar  snang
Space: [Spaciousness] klong
spheres of activity:  spyod yul
spheres of apprehension:  spyod yul
spontaneous:  lhun grub
stage:  rim pa
sthavira: = elders. The original hinayana Buddhist monastic style Sugata
straying:  gol [sa]
Subhuti:  rab 'byor
subject:  yul can
substance: rdzas
subtle: phra ba
subtlest:  shin tu phra ba
suchness:  [de][ji] bzhin nyid
sugata:  bde gshegs pa
sugatagarbha:  bde [bar] gshegs [pa'i]  snying po
suitable establishing, and nature
support and supported:  rten dang  brten pa
Surya: the Hindu sun god.
sutra: A discourse of the Buddha in the mahayana
sutra:  mdo
svatantrika:  rang rgyud
svatantrika: rang rgyud:  see text
taking and leaving:  btang bshag
taming:  'dul ba
tantra: A discourse of the Buddha in the vajrayana
tantra:  rgyud
Tara:  taa ra, sgrol ma
tathagata:  de bzhin shegs pa
ten bhuumis:  sa bcu
ten dharmic activities:  chos spyod bcu
ten directions:  phyogs bcu
the 5 pranas: rlung lnga
the dhatu: khams: = dharmadhatu
the four abhishekas/ empowerments: dbang bzhi
the four reasonings: those of dependence, productive action, three jewels
the Nature:  ngo bo
thing:  dgnos po
things as they are:  gnas lugs [tshul]
three gates:  sgo gsum
three jewels:  dkon mchog gsum
three kinds of suffering: sdug bsngal gsum
three mandalas: dkyil 'khor gsum
three modes: presence of the reason in the subject, forward three natures
three natures: rang bzhin gsum
three poisons/kleshas:  dug gsum
three pramanas:  scripture, perception, and inference
three purities:  dag pa gsum
three samadhis:  ting nge 'dzin gsum
three times:  dus gsum
three worlds [realms]:  srid gsum, khams gsum
Three levels: sa gsum
tirthika: mu stegs: Hindu, extremist.
tonglen:  gtong len
training on the bhuumis:  sa sbyang
transmission:  ngo sprod
transparent:  zang thal
trikaya: sku gsum
true meaning:  nges don
tummo: gtum mo
turning the wheel of dharma:  chos kyi  'khor lo 'khor.
twelve ayatanas:  skye mched bcu gnyis
twelve divisions of the Buddha's sutra teachings: bstan pa'i dbye ba bcu gnyis
twelve links of interdependent origination: see ch. 8 rten a'brel
two acumulations: tshogs gnyis: accumulation of merit and wisdom.
two benefits: don gnyis
two bodhicittas: byang chub sems gnyi
two cessations: 'gogs pa gnyis
two kayas: sku gnyis: dharmakaya and rupakaya, chos sku and gzugs sku.
two obscurations: kleshas and knowables.
twofold purity:  dag pa gnyis
ultimate point: 'gag bsdam
unborn:  skye ba med
uncompounded:  'du ma byas
universal:  [rab] 'byams
unmixed:  ma 'dres
unobstructed:  'gag med, thogs med,  zang ka
upa/ charya:  u pa, spyod rgyud
upaya:  thabs
upayayoga:  = upa
utpattikrama:  bskyed rim
vaibhashika: bye brag pa
vajra holder:  rdo rje 'dzin pa
vajra master:  rdo rje slob dpon
vajra:  rdo rje
Vajradhara:  rdo rje chang
vajradhatu:  rdo rje dbyings
vajrakaya:  rdo rje sku
Vajrapani: lag na rdo rje
Vajrasattva:  rdo rje sems dpa'
vajrayana: rdo rje theg pa
vasana:  bag chags
vase of coronation:  spyi blugs
vast:  yangs
vessel and essence:  snod bcud
Victorious One: rgyal ba
vidya mantra:  rigs snang
vidyadhara: knowledge holder
vidyadhara: rig 'dzin
vinaya: 'dul ba
vipashyana:  lhag mthong
virtues:  yon tan
Vishnu: khyab 'jug
vision:  dgongs pa
visualize:  bskyed
vividness:  sal le ba
wisdom of equality:  mnyam nyid ye shes
wisdom of extent: ji snyed pa'i ye shes
wisdom of nature: ji lta ba'i ye shes
wisdom:  ye shes
wish-fulfilling gem:  yid bzhin nor bu
without support:  rten med
without transition and change:  pho  'gyur med.
two truths: bden gnyis
yana:  theg pa
yanas of cause and characteristics: rgyu mtshan theg pa
ye: primordial There is no creation or creator in Buddhism.  The nature is beginningless and eternal, much as God is described.
yidam:  yi dam
yoga tantra:  yo ga:  rnal 'byor [rgyud]
yogachara:  sems tsam, rnal 'byor spyod

the blazing light of the sun and moon



vajra family